Laser Dentaire - téléchargez le lecteur flash
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Laser Dentaire - téléchargez le lecteur flash

What is the periodontal disease ?

Poche parodontale saine
Healthy periodontal pocket

The periodontal disease is a general term which describes a diversity of disorders affecting the gum (gingivitis) superficially or, more deeply, the periodontium (periodontitis), that is all elements of support of the tooth (gum, bones, support tissues).

The periodontal disease is one of the most frequent dental affection. It is the first cause of tooth loss in people older than 40 years.

The infectious periodontitis gradually destroys the periodontium. The causes of this disease are often connected to a bad dental hygiene or to previous poor treatments of oral diseases. Other factors that contribute are tobacco, stress, diabetes, and certain medicines.

The formation of dental plaque and the accumulation of tartar on teeth constitute the first steps of this disease. The bleeding of the gum is often the first visible sign and bad breath (halitosis) is often associated with this.

During the evolution of the periodontal disease, periodontal pockets, located around teeth, become infected and deepen, which in extreme cases can cause the destruction of the support bone and the loss of teeth.

periodontal disease

The periodontal diseases can also have serious repercussions at other levels affecting the body. It is thus therefore very important to diagnose and quickly stop this spreading.

The early detection and the treatment of the periodontal disease constitute your best defence. It is recommended to regularly visit to your dentist to check the pocket status.

The dental laser is a very effective and non surgical tool for the treatment of periodontal pockets. It cleans and disinfects pockets, due to its sterilizing, anti-inflammatory and bio-stimulating action. Associated with a possible scaling and root planning, the dental surgeons using lasers often obtain remarkable results, with reconstruction of bones. This treatment allows the re-attachment of tissues along the tooth root. This reduces, even eliminates the dental mobility, and also allows to eliminate the bleeding of gum' and the bad breath of gingival origin.

The dental laser respects the gum as opposed to surgical periodontal treatments, which can end up in consequent losses of gingival tissue, leaving the patient with an un-aesthetic smile.

So to finalise all of the above, patients keep their teeth longer as dental lasers prevent tooth loss, caries, and recurrences.

In certain European countries (Italy, Holland) and in United States, the treatment of pockets is often performed by hygienists working in association with the dental surgeons, who can then dedicate their time to the more complicated procedures.

Periodontal pocket treatment video

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